Ridiculous music making.
Main things
The tool itself. Very tricky. Good luck. Please share your experiences with me.
Arrows in arrows in arrows
An artistic film about Arroost and its philosophy.
Normalise sharing scrappy fiddles
An artistic live demonstration of Arroost.
Unblocking creation with friends
A full academish write-up of Arroost.
Unblocking creation with friends
(talk) (coming soon)
An academish presentation of Arroost.
Other things
I went to an algorave
A personal telling of the story behind Arroost.
Trying arroost
A personal account of using Arroost.
Normalise sharing scrappy fiddles manifesto
A silly soundscape about normalising sharing scrappy fiddles.
Arroost examples
A small selection of Arroost examples.
Arroost repository
The source code for Arroost.
What it means to be open
(coming soon)
A keynote about normalising sharing scrappy fiddles.
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