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Welcome back again. Again it’s time… for another weekly episode… of the…


What’s new this week?


Dear tode

I recorded some more voice over for the next video, Top 99 Ways To Make Sand. Who knows if it’ll be used as “concept art” or end up in the real thing. I recorded a few takes and then placed them on top of each other, so that I can listen to all three at the same time (same time).

I always do that approach, and then I end up liking it, and keeping in some of the overlap. Not all of the overlap, but some of it.

That section I recorded was important to get down, because it completely breaks up the tempo of the video (about halfway through).

What it’s about

film by lu or luke

What’s the Top 99 video about? Surely it can’t really just be about 99 Sands?

Well, no. It’s not just about sand. It carries on the theme of the first two videos in the trilogy where tode’s asleep. I won’t tell you what it’s all about at this stage, but I will say that it’s related to getting stuck. The trilogy is about getting stuck in different ways.

So this finale of the trilogy is about how to get unstuck. And the simple answer to that question — is to make 99 Sands in different ways.

The other thing is — tode, the character, is asleep. So the first video, Define Define, was done by bot, the character, instead. The second video, Arrows in Arrows, was done by berd, the character, instead. This third video, Top 99 Ways To Make Sand, will be done by the narrator, the character, instead.


dialogues on natural code

I was mentioned in a few places this week. Firstly, Dave Ackley spoke a little bit about our collaboration work, in his monthly update video. Nice to see him smiling about it still!

Secondly, my work was briefly summarised and mentioned in Ink & Switch’s semi-regular dispatch update.

And yesterday, my stupid DreamBerd project was covered by a big streamer that I’ve never heard of before, called Theo. He said he’s planning to do a full video about it, so I did a bit of spring-cleaning in DreamBerd this week. I hope to do a bit more too. And I also donated £99 to UNICEF for one of the accomplished DreamBerd bounties.

Thank you very very much for all your support. And welcome to all the newbies this week! Did Theo send you? Or did you come from somewhere else? Either way, I can’t thank you enough. And wherever you are in the world, whatever you’re doing, I hope you have a great week.

Days since tode fell asleep: 494
Days since bot went missing: 459
Days since berd flew away: 122