
You can’t have it both ways with self-esteem.


I’ve forgotten most of the shows I’ve performed in.

But I do remember some. I remember the very best shows, and unfortunately, the very worst shows. Both kinds are burned to the back of my skull.

When you do a bad show, your self-esteem can take a hit. It’s just work, it’s not you. But it’s you on stage, so it feels personal. Your face gets attached to something bad.

Likewise, when you do a good show, your self-esteem can get a boost. It’s just work, it’s not you. But it’s you on stage, so it feels personal. Your face gets attached to something good.


I’ve forgotten most of the lessons I’ve taught.

But I do remember some. I remember the very best lessons, and unfortunately, the very worst lessons. Both kinds are burned to the back of my skull, multiplied by ten for the ones I was observed in.

When you do a bad lesson, your self-esteem can take a hit. It’s just work, it’s not you. But it’s you in the classroom, so it feels personal. Your face gets attached to something bad.

Likewise, when you do a good lesson, your self-esteem can get a boost. It’s just work, it’s not you. But it’s you in the classroom, so it feels personal. Your face gets attached to something good.


I’ve forgotten most of the videos I’ve made.

But I do remember some. I remember the-

Ok I think you get the idea.

High self-esteem

High self-esteem makes you feel good.

Low self-esteem

Low self-esteem makes you feel bad.

Both ways

You might want to avoid moments of low self-esteem. You don’t want to feel bad after making a mistake. You don’t want to feel low after doing badly at work. You don’t want to feel embarrassed after making something that’s total pants.

But I bet you want to keep those moments of high self-esteem. You want to feel great when you win. You want to feel big when you do well.

Well you can’t have it both ways. You can’t decouple one without decoupling the other. You’re either attached to your work or you’re not.

To be continued.

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