Parasocial activity

Hello again friend,

I’m increasingly exposed to parasocial interaction.

Video calls

99% of our calls are lovely, and I gain a lot from chatting to you. But every now and then, you make me feel a bit weird.

A few times, you’ve spoken about our “friendship” that’s been going on for “years”. And I’m just sitting there thinking,

“I have no idea who you are.”


99% of your emails are lovely. You sent me a photo of a postcard that you wrote, which was really sweet. And you named a song after me!! It sounds very nice. Keep sending me your creative pursuits.

I also love the silly little jokes you send me. The memes, the incomplete dreamberd programs, and so on. You send me the best ones again and again and again. If you notice a rare sand in the wild, you send it to me over 50 times.

And I’m flattered that you sometimes ask me for advice. I do my best to give you a quick little answer if I have time- but please remember- I’m just another random person- and you ask me a lot of questions-

And I love hearing your more personal stories. I’m pleased my video helped you to discover your sexuality and gender- but no I’m not your transistor.

99% of your emails are lovely. But every now and then, you make me feel a bit weird.

You tell me you’re “upset” with me, and you expect better from your “friend”.

And I’m just sitting there thinking,

“I have no idea who you are.”


Yes I’d love to collaborate- wait do I know you? Sorry I only collaborate with people who-

No I don’t want you to make my next youtube video- No I don’t think it would save me time- No I don’t think it’s-

No I don’t want you to run my- No I don’t want you to organise an- No I- No I don’t agree that it would-

All my projects are open-source, so if you’d like to collaborate, pick off an issue, and get collaborating.

Video games

No I don’t want to play video games with you.


No I don’t want to visit your home.


No I don’t want to tell you what medicines I take. (?)


No you can’t join the patreon for free. No you can’t get my paid content for free. Yes I do give people free memberships sometimes. But that’s not because they’re my “friend”.

Wait a second,

I have no idea who you are

And you have no idea who I am. You’ve watched some videos and you think you know me. You’ve read some blog posts, even the personal ones, and you think I’m your friend.

I already told you.

You don’t know me.

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