The death of the tadi web: How to make a meme

One month ago, the tadi web was born.

Today it died.

Let’s talk about memes.


My main goal behind the tadi web was to serve as a bridge between various communities.

I wanted to introduce the different camps of better computing to each other, that often like to work in isolation - thinking their solution is the “one true way”.

I also wanted to serve as an entry point for people from the worse computing world. Think of the tadi web as a halfway-house to being fully ‘better-computing-pilled’.


To be an appealing bridge, you need to do some marketing. Figure out what message you can advertise with.

What’s the contagious idea that will stick with people? What lands? What doesn’t?

Simple and sticky

The best idea is the one you only have to say once. It’s a meme! It spreads on its own.

To achieve this, your idea needs two things:


If an idea is simple, then other people can easily spread it on your behalf.


If an idea is sticky, then people can be convinced by it.

It ‘sounds right’ and then you can’t get it out of your head. Maybe it shows you something you can’t unsee. Or maybe it changes your perspective on something.

You only need to hear it once. And then, bam - it’s stuck.


By sharing my tadi web idea with people, I learned a lot about its strengths and weaknesses.

I found out which parts were simple-and-sticky, and which parts weren’t!

Unfortunately, a lot of it was terrible, so it died.


Fortunately, the tadi web is very slippy. It’s nimble enough that you can rebuild it from the ground up again and again and again and again.

Each time the tadi web gets re-formed, it becomes a better bridge.

Wishing you resilience in every part of your life,
All the best,
Lu x

tadi web standing over tadi web's grave meme

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